In order to further promote international exchanges through tourism, the Japan National Tourism Administration (JNTO), established in 1964, has launched a wide range of projects to promote tourists to visit Japan through various activities to expand tourism at home and abroad.
Website service
The activities recommended by the Japan National Tourism Administration include the establishment of a tourism service center to provide support to foreign tourists, additional facilities for receiving foreign visitors, and the promotion of international conferences and trade fairs. Our bureau achieves its goals by conducting tourism-related research, publishing Japanese travel guide books and video materials, and publicizing to Japanese citizens what to pay attention to when traveling abroad.
Website function
MGTO has a total of 14 overseas offices in the world’s major tourist markets to visit Japan. Through these overseas offices, MGTO conducts a variety of activities, including information collection, sales promotion, media liaison, publicity, and so on, as an important part of VJC promotion activities. Displaying VJC posters and distributing VJC badges at travel exhibitions and various activities, and promoting the use of the VJC logo on their tour group leaflets to local travel agencies have all actively enhanced overseas awareness of VJC activities.
JNTO is involved in a broad range of activities promoting tr**el to Japan through **rious activities overseas as well as touri**-promoting activities in Japan.
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