American Institute of Physics

American Institute of Physics

American Institute of Physics中文名为美国物理联合会成立于1931年联合会简称AIP里面一共只有10个成员同时也是居于领导地位的科学出版社


American Institute of Physics的简介

  American Institute of Physics中文名为美国物理联合会,成立于1931年,联合会简称AIP,里面一共只有10个成员,同时也是居于领导地位的科学出版社,AIP及其会员的出版物占据了全球物理学界研究文献四分之一以上的内容,期刊已成为物理学相关文献的核心。

  AIP出版13种物理及相关科学的学术期刊(大部分回溯到第一卷第一期,其中许多拥有该领域最高的影响因子)、两种杂志(包括 Physics Today )以及 AIP 会议论文集系列(回溯到 1970 年第一卷)。

American Institute of Physics, whose Chinese name is the American physical Union, was founded in 1931. The Federation is referred to as AIP, which has only 10 members and is also a leading science publishing house. The publications of AIP and its members occupy more than 1/4 of the global physics research literature, and periodicals have become the core of physics-related literature.

AIP publishes 13 academic journals of physics and related sciences (most of which go back to Volume 1, many of which have the highest impact factors in the field), two magazines (including Physics Today), and a series of AIP conference proceedings (dating back to Volume 1, 1970).

American Institute of Physics美国物理联合会成立于1931年,简称AIP,专注于为你提供有关物理及相关科学的学术期刊。

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