Angling Times

Angling Times

英国《垂钓时报》(Angling Times)是英国最大的钓鱼报纸之一第一次印刷于1953年同时还出版了《Improve Your Coarse Fishing 》《 UK Carp magazine》主要提供钓鱼新闻钓鱼比赛结果


Angling Times的简介

  英国《垂钓时报》(Angling Times)是英国最大的钓鱼报纸之一,第一次印刷于1953年,同时还出版了《Improve Your Coarse
Fishing 》、《 UK Carp magazine》,主要提供钓鱼新闻、钓鱼比赛结果、钓鱼技巧与策略、钓鱼视频等内容。




The fishing Times (Angling Times) is one of the largest fishing newspapers in the UK. It was first printed in 1953 and published Improve Your Coarse.

Fishing “,” UK Carp magazine “, mainly provide fishing news, fishing competition results, fishing skills and strategies, fishing videos and so on.

Website service

You don’t need a license to go fishing by boat in England, but in England, freshwater fishing (except for River)

Tweed) is needed, or you will have to pay a fine of 2500 if you are found out. Fishing is a big project. In addition to a license, there are a lot of laws and regulations to figure out.

First of all, according to the different types of fish, the fishing license is divided into two kinds, one can only fish river fish, the other is river fish and sea fish can all fish. The latter is obviously more expensive. You can buy a license for one year at a time, or just for one day, or for a week (it feels more practical to travel for a holiday). This fishing license can be purchased in two places, the post office and Environment.

Agency . You can do it on the Internet where you don’t bother to wait in line at the post office, or you can buy it with a phone call.

英国《垂钓时报》(Angling Times)是英国最大的钓鱼报纸之一,第一次印刷于1953年,同时还出版了《Improve Your Coarse Fishing 》、《 UK Carp magazine》,主要提供钓鱼新闻、钓鱼比赛结果、钓鱼技巧与策略、钓鱼视频等内容。

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