Time Out的简介

  Timeout1968年创刊于伦敦,创始人为Tony Elliot,至今已有43年历史,是世界顶级杂志品牌。作为全球顶级城市生活杂志。


  《TimeOut》遍布北京、上海、伦敦、纽约、莫斯科、巴塞罗那、迪拜、新加坡等重要城市。《TimeOut》至今在全球范围24个国家37个城市以十余种语言发行,有近1 千万人依赖TimeOut 杂志去探寻城中热点与生活资讯,同时出版逾百种《TimeOut城市指南》丛书。


Timeout1968 year was founded in London, founded by Tony Elliot, has a history of 43 years, is the world’s top magazine brand. As the world’s top city life magazine.

Website service

“TimeOut” can be found in Beijing, Shanghai, London, New York, Moscow, Barcelona, Dubai, Singapore and other important cities. “TimeOut” has been published in more than 10 languages in 37 cities in 24 countries around the world. Nearly 10 million people rely on TimeOut magazine to explore city hotspots and life information, and publish more than 100 “TimeOut City Guide” books.

Timeout Group’s first publication “TimeOut”

London enjoys absolutely high status as a benchmark for urban life magazines in the UK. Today, it is distributed in nearly 20 countries and nearly 100 cities around the world.

Find the best from our editorial teams in more than 50 cities worldwide. Your global guide to art and entertainment, food and drink, film and things to do.

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