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The first Mitsubishi enterprise was Iwasaki Mitaro who took over the Japanese official Nagasaki shipyard in 1870 and changed its name to Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce in 1873. Mitsubishi then dabbled in mining, shipbuilding, banking, insurance, warehousing and trade, followed by paper, steel, glass, electrical equipment, aircraft, oil and real estate. Now Mitsubishi has established a series of enterprises, playing an important role in the process of Japanese industrial modernization.

On the morning of June 1, 2016, three representatives of Chinese surviving workers who were forcibly taken captive to Japan during World War II signed an agreement with Mitsubishi Integrated Materials in Beijing to accept Mitsubishi Materials’ apology and reach a settlement.

Brand introduction

Mitsubish is not a separate company, but a group of many independent companies, most of which use the name “Mitsubishi” but do not simply call themselves “Mitsubishi”. Mitsubishi Kinyokai (also known as FridayClub, literally translated as Friday Club) has 28 core members, about 500 Mitsubishi member companies, about 400 companies with the name “Mitsubishi”, and hundreds of Mitsubishi companies without “Mitsubishi”. The business activities of these companies are independent and even compete with each other in many areas

These companies originated from a shipping company run by YataroIwasaki Iwasaki in 1870, and then became involved in mining, shipbuilding, banking and insurance, laying a solid foundation for Mitsubishi’s future growth and development. It is worth noting that Mitsubishi Pencil Co., Ltd. (MitsubishiPencil) is not a member of Mitsubishi.

Course of development

The Mitsubishi Group, which now has many related enterprises and branches, was founded in October 1870 by Mitaro Iwasaki’s 99 Chamber of Commerce in Tosa, which sold “Tianshui buckets” made of cast iron. In January 1872, 99 Chamber of Commerce changed its name to Mitsubishi Chamber of Commerce, and in March of the following year, it was renamed Mitsubishi Trading Co., Ltd. The name “Mitsubishi” is still in use so far.

In 1875 (Meiji 8), the Postman Steamboat Mitsubishi Club was founded and merged with the Nagasaki Shipbuilding Institute derived from Nagasaki, which was established under the Tokugawa shogunate.

In 1917, Mitsubishi’s first minibus was successfully mass-produced in the era of Mitsubishi Shipyard. This 35-horsepower, seven-seat Model- An is also the first mass-produced car in Japan. The first prototype of the Mitsubishi truck was successfully developed in 1918, including two three-ton and two four-ton models.

The B46, the first large bus in 1932, was a 30-seat bus with 100 horsepower and marked the opening of the Mitsubishi bus production line.

The Japanese car that completed the first four-wheel drive (4WD) in 1934 was the Mitsubishi PX33 sports car (equipped with diesel engine) that attracted the attention of the world.

The BD46 bus with the first precombustion diesel engine was developed in Japan in 1935.

The first mass-produced TD45 diesel-powered truck was launched in 1936.

During World War II from 1937 to 1945, Mitsubishi, as the Japanese military, specialized in producing all kinds of bombs, artillery, aircraft carriers and all kinds of large battle warships (eight aircraft carriers and more than 30 missile ships invested by the Japanese army in the Battle of Shanghai and Wuhan were all made by Mitsubishi).

The first electric bus, MB46, was developed in 1947.

The mass production of the first rear engine, 130hp, 76-seat FusoR1 bus was completed in 1950.

The T380, an eight-ton truck with a revolutionary suspension system, was launched in 1951. This design is typical and has a far-reaching impact on today’s heavy truck series.

In 1967, the eight-ton truck T810 with a top speed of 115 kilometers was launched.

1970 was the hematopoietic era of Mitsubishi Motors. Mitsubishi Automotive Industry Co., Ltd., jointly invested by Mitsubishi Automotive selling Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi heavy Industry and Chrysler of the United States, was officially established.

In 1975, with advanced technology, the silent shockproof differential axle was created, which drives a reverse crankshaft through two double rotating differential axles, thus ensuring stable and static driving.

In 1980, the first Japanese RV Galant used turbocharged diesel engine Astron2300.

A factory with turbocharged engines on the full production line was established in 1982, when fully turbocharged models such as Golt, Lancer, Galant, Sapporo and Starion were assembled.

Brand culture

Abide by the law: we realize that the law is the lowest moral, not only to abide by the law, but also to pay keen attention to the changes in the ethics and common sense of society as a whole.

We do not set goals that run counter to law, social ethics or social common sense, nor do we make such agreements.

Respect for human rights: respect for human rights in action and put an end to all discrimination against nationality, race, religion and gender.

Contribute to society: as an enterprise, while pursuing reasonable profits, we should uphold the spirit of supporting the overall development of society and recognize the social responsibility of enterprises.

Coordination and harmony with the region: as a good citizen and friendly neighbor, actively participate in public welfare activities and other regional social activities to contribute to regional development.

Committed to environmental protection: to form a circular society as the goal, in all business activities, always do not forget the recycling of resources and other environmental awareness.

Self-consciousness as an enterprise person: have the consciousness to deal with money and other property, time and information (especially the use of e-mail and Internet) to make a strict distinction between public and private.









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