Max Mara的简介





Maramotti在这家乡小镇MaxMara开设第一间门店,可说是为意大利开创了名师设计的成衣业。1963年由Jean Charoes de

MaxMaRa is one of the famous fashion brands in Italy, which was born in 1951. With more than 50 years of creativity and ideals, it has successfully established today’s fashion kingdom.

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The MaxMara brand is founded by Archille.

Founded by Maramotti, the first fashion collection starts with a camel coat and a pink suit, famous for designing clothes that suit all women and resisting short-lived trends in the fashion world.

MaxMara has always respected the power of the group, not the prestige of a community or consultant. As a result, MaxMara’s design never gives a single person the talent, but is constantly weighed over and over again throughout the production process. There are many experts involved in the production process, so MaxMara’s works combine the talents of famous designers with the talents of fabric researchers, tailors, production experts, marketing experts and information experts.

MaxMara Group has 23 brand series, Achille in 1951

Maramotti opened its first store in the hometown town of MaxMara, which can be said to have created a clothing industry designed by famous Italian designers. 1963 by Jean Charoes de

Castelbajac 、 Karl

With the help of outstanding young designers such as Lagerfeld, Achille began to launch two flawless fashion collections every year. In 1967, a youth culture emerged among consumers, and Achille launched the world’s first extended series Sportmax one by one.

Experience Max Mara: shop the official online store and discover the latest collections, news and events.

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