










Zillow is a free real estate evaluation service website, founded in 2006, mainly provides all kinds of real estate information inquiry services to netizens. Users can directly zoom the satellite map on the web page to find the target, or use the zip code and street to search.

The buyer of the house will use Zillow to compare the value of the house, buy the desired house at the most reasonable price, and avoid wasting money. The seller of the house will use the Zillow assessment to get the valuation of the real estate to sell the house at the highest and most appropriate price.

Analysis on Business Commerce

Among all the real estate agency websites, some are only responsible for introducing customers to traditional operators, and Internet companies charge them a certain percentage of commission; some offer transaction feedback to attract buyers to use their own services. Zillow, on the other hand, only focuses on price evaluation and does not provide information on real estate transactions. Zillow does not intend to be an intermediary and only provides free inquiry services. Like most Internet companies, they hope to make a profit from advertising. Zillow will launch a pay-per-click (payperclick) advertising model, when customers use the Zestimate system, ads will appear on the web page from time to time, if the user clicks, Zillow can charge for advertising. Zillow avoids direct competition with intermediaries, hoping that intermediaries will become their own advertisers, regard Zillow as a marketing tool, and let housing agents become the source of profits for Zillow.

Due to the unique positioning and strategy of Zillow, it has attracted a great deal of attention from all walks of life. at present, many operators have expressed their willingness to publish advertisements, and even websites similar to Zillow are in high spirits. I believe that the publication of advertising will certainly bring a considerable income to Zillow.

At present, there is no website like Zillow that provides free real estate evaluation service in China’s real estate network. In the face of high urban housing prices and serious speculation in the housing market, people are unable to buy houses at a more reasonable price. And domestic housing evaluation intermediary fees are higher, the flow of information is not available. At present, the transaction price of the house can only be seen on the market, but there is no housing evaluation price, and the average person does not understand the price evaluation of the real estate at all. Sites like Zillow solve this problem. If there are such websites in China that provide free real estate valuation services, I think the real estate bubble will also be reduced.









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