University of Bologna

University of Bologna

博洛尼亚大学(University of Bologna)是西方最古老的大学建立于1087年至今已有900多年的历史。它座落在意大利的博洛尼亚城的赞鲍尼大街33号各个学院分落在市区的各处


University of Bologna的简介

  博洛尼亚大学(University of




University of Bologna (University of

Bologna) is the oldest university in the West, which was founded in 1087 and has a history of more than 900 years. It is located at 33 Zamboni Street in Bologna, Italy. The colleges are located all over the city, and the school area is about 35 square meters.

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This university has extremely strong faculty and advanced teaching facilities. Each college has its own laboratory and audio-visual classroom, the medical school has clinical clinics of various disciplines, and the Astronomy Department has its own observatory. In addition, the auxiliary education system of the University of Bologna is quite complete, such as libraries, museums and archives. Among them, the library is divided into the school level, the college level, the department level, the research institute level and the research center level.

The university-level library of the University of Bologna, which belongs to the Italian Ministry of Culture, has a collection of 920000 books, including 14th-15th century editions and nearly 10,000 ancient books, with emphasis on literature and history. The University of Bologna also has a world-famous historical archives, which collects important documents since the university’s establishment to understand the development of education and disciplines in the West as well as the history of Italian universities and academia. In order to facilitate teachers’ teaching and students’ practice, the university has corresponding museums in almost every discipline. the more famous ones are the Astronomical Museum, the Anatomy Museum, the Pathology Museum, the Anthropology Museum, the Physics Museum, the Geology Museum, the Mineralogy Museum, the Zoology Museum and a botanical garden covering an area of about 2 hectares.

L’Alma Mater Studiorum è la prima università del mondo occidentale e oggi promuove la strada dell’inno**zione offrendo un’ampia offerta formati**, corsi di laurea internazionali e post laurea.

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