University of St. Gallen

University of St. Gallen

瑞士圣加伦大学(University of St. Gallen)是一所优秀的公立大学一所以经济法律和社会学为主的综合性大学成立于1898年属于欧洲最有名的经济大学之一。至今已有一百多年的历史。


University of St. Gallen的简介

  瑞士圣加伦大学(University of St.



University of St. Gallen, Switzerland (University of St.

Gallen) is an excellent public university, so the comprehensive university of economics, law and sociology, founded in 1898, is one of the most famous economics universities in Europe. It has a history of more than one hundred years. The MBA course of St. Gallen University is currently one of the leading German-speaking countries and regions in Europe, and is expected to be among the top 10 in Europe.

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St. Gallen University has 33 colleges and research institutes. St. Gallen University also offers higher education at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels. German is the main language of instruction, as well as some English majors. St. Gallen University offers majors in macroeconomics, law, strategy and international management, economy and finance, organization and culture, international affairs and political economy.

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