The Story Museum

The Story Museum

牛津故事博物馆(The Story Museum)是一个由Purcell事务所利用现代科技手段再现牛津历史的展馆,成立于2003,最初经营虚拟博物馆,没有自己的处所,后来于2009年拥有了展览的地方。


The Story Museum的简介

  牛津故事博物馆(The Story





Oxford Story Museum (The Story

Museum) is a pavilion by Purcell that uses modern technology to reproduce the history of Oxford. Founded in 2003, it initially operated a virtual museum without a place of its own, and later had an exhibition space in 2009.

Website service

The Oxford Story Museum has a large collection of literary works of art, showing stories in various forms and exploring their enduring power and joy. There are 12 rooms representing 12 authors, each room recommending a representative work and making it look like a book.

The ticket money collected by the museum will be used to renovate and renovate existing buildings and courtyards. After the facade on the main street has been adjusted, new elevators have been added, and walkways have been added in the central courtyard. In addition, trails will be built on the roof, watchtowers will be set up, and exterior walls will be repaired and decorated.

As the British “Happy Museum” project (Happy

Museum), the Story Museum is one of 12 museum renovations selected in the UK. The project will focus on sustainability, and artists, architects and tourists will be invited to test and express their opinions at every stage of the design. After transformation, both children and adults can find their own world and stories here, and have endless fantasies in the magical power of the stories.

牛津故事博物馆(The Story Museum)是一个由Purcell事务所利用现代科技手段再现牛津历史的展馆,成立于2003,最初经营虚拟博物馆,没有自己的处所,后来于2009年拥有了展览的地方。

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