八卦盾 – 营商保的简介

从此刻起,对恶意买家说不!八卦盾是阿里CRO(风险管理事业群)基于商家在经营链路中存在的:恶拍、恶退、恶意敲诈等风险,为商家提供一站式店铺经营风险预防及防控的服务平台。 八卦盾首期主要为商家提供:黄牛风险和恶意订单风险的防控服务,包括订单拦截、订单预警、风险上报等服务内容。后续会陆续开放更多功能,敬请期待!

From now on, say no to malicious buyers! Eight diagrams Shield is Ali CRO (risk management business group) based on the risks that exist in the business link: bad shots, bad withdrawal, malicious extortion and other risks, to provide businesses with an one-stop service platform for store management risk prevention and control. The first phase of Bagua Shield mainly provides services for businesses: prevention and control of scalper risk and malicious order risk, including order interception, order early warning, risk reporting and other services. More functions will be opened one after another, please look forward to it!

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