






Coolorus1.0.0适用于Photoshop CS4、5、6。破解版仅供试用,是完全免费的。Coolorus1.0.0适用于Photoshop CS4、5、6。破解版仅供试用,是完全免费的;第二种是对比色取色方式(颜色间的跨度180度 不可调节) 中间大圆环上出现两个取色点;第二种是对比色取色方式(颜色间的跨度180度 不可调节) 中间大圆环上出现两个取色点;第四种是四分色(颜色间的跨度是从5-90度 可调节)主吸色对比两个点 辅助吸色对比两个点;第四种是四分色(颜色间的跨度是从5-90度 可调节)主吸色对比两个点 辅助吸色对比两个点;第六种是四分色 主吸色对比两个点不可变 跨度为180。以上几种配色方式 注意色相轮上面的取色点 有个较大的是主吸色点 移动它其他的辅助吸色点也会一起跟着变化,如果主吸色点180度位置也有一个点(即同一根线) 则移动这个点 效果如同移动主吸色点。

(Coolorus) PS color matching plug-in tool is an excellent Photoshop software color matching plug-in tool, many functions are very convenient, there are common color matching methods, the same color, complementary colors and similar colors, basically can kill the general web color matching tools.

& nbsp; & nbspPlug-in tool classification

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;Coolorus1.0.0 for Photoshop CS4, 5, 6. The cracked version is for trial only and is completely free. Coolorus1.0.0 applies to Photoshop CS4, 5, 6. The cracked version is only for trial and is completely free; the second is the contrast color selection mode (the span between colors can not be adjusted by 180 degrees) there are two color extraction points on the middle large ring; the second is the contrast color extraction mode (the span between colors is not adjustable by 180 degrees) there are two color extraction points on the middle big ring The fourth is the four-color separation (the span between colors is adjustable from 5-90 degrees). The fourth is the four-color separation (the span between colors is adjustable from 5-90 degrees). The fourth is the four-color separation (the span between colors is adjustable from 5-90 degrees). The fourth is the four-color separation (the span between colors is adjustable from 5-90 degrees). The fourth is the four-color separation (the span between colors is adjustable from 5-90 degrees). The sixth is the four-color main absorption contrast, the two points have an unchangeable span of 180. The above several color matching methods note that the larger color point on the hue wheel is that the main absorption point moves and the other auxiliary absorption points will also change together. if the main absorption point 180 degrees position also has a point (that is, the same line), the effect of moving this point is like moving the main absorption point.








本站网站百科提供的PS配色应用插件工具都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由网站百科实际控制,在2022 年 8 月 20 日 01:38收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,网站百科不承担任何责任。

