Peerindex and Brandwatch

Peerindex and Brandwatch

Peerindex and Brandwatch是一个分析消费者客户数据的数据分析平台,根据消费群体的网络活动,根据用户的社交网络活动为用户评分,评分高的说明其社交影响力越大。


Peerindex and Brandwatch的简介

  Peerindex and Brandwatch是一个分析消费者客户数据的数据分析平台,根据消费群体的网络活动,根据用户的社交网络活动为用户评分,评分高的说明其社交影响力越大。



  Peerindex and Brandwatch也会给消费者客户评分,衡量其社交资本。Peerindex and Brandwatch侧重于对用户UGC内容的分析;数据源来自于Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、Quora、自定义的RSS源。不过,这只是该公司的一部分业务。Peerindex and Brandwatch同时还在开发一些演算法,目的是从特定话题中找出有影响力的人,然后就可以通过这些用户来帮助企业进行数字营销活动。

  目前Peerindex and Brandwatch拥有一些来自不同领域的企业客户,其中包括大西洋唱片公司Atlantic Records、企鹅出版集团Penguin Books

Peerindex and Brandwatch is a data analysis platform for analyzing consumer customer data. According to the online activities of consumer groups, users are graded according to their social network activities. The higher the score, the greater their social influence.

Website service

Users are rated according to their social network activities, and the higher the score, the greater their social influence. Although some people think that such services are meaningless and point out that social scores have no effect on people, there are still many people using these services, especially consumers. These people want to know who is more influential and who creates more social capital in social media.

Peerindex and Brandwatch also rates consumer customers and measures their social capital. Peerindex and Brandwatch focuses on the analysis of user UGC content; data sources come from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Quora, and custom RSS sources. However, this is only part of the company’s business. Peerindex and Brandwatch is also developing algorithms to identify influential people from specific topics, and then use these users to help companies carry out digital marketing activities.

Peerindex and Brandwatch currently has a number of corporate customers from different fields, including Atlantic Records Atlantic Records and Penguin Publishing Group Penguin Books.

And O2, the operator of Telef ó nica.

Peerindex and Brandwatch是一个分析消费者客户数据的数据分析平台,根据消费群体的网络活动,根据用户的社交网络活动为用户评分,评分高的说明其社交影响力越大。

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