
  Wiggle 最初是一家位于英国朴茨茅斯的小型独立自行车商店,名为 “Butler Cycles”。

  Wiggle 的创始人Mitch Dall 于1995年购买了这家在当时已拥有50多年经营历史的商店。 虽然在购买之后更换了经营地点,但仍然延续零售自行车的经验模式,并改名为 “Bike @ Butlers”,这充分表现了其对网上经营这一全新经营方式的兴趣。

  经过创始人 Mitch Dall 和 Harvey Jones 投资之后, Wiggle 于1999年5月28日 正式运营。 Harvy 是一个网迷,对尚未开发的网上交易潜能感到兴奋。


  Wiggle CRC 集团现在在 Portsmouth 和 Belfast 的办公总部共有员工1000多名。

  从 Wiggle 成立之初雇佣的都是热衷于自己所钟爱运动的运动爱好者,同时他们对自己所从事的工作抱有极大的热情。



  Wiggle 自2005年起策划及赞助了一系列全球赛事。包括骑行、跑步以及障碍跑等超过100多场赛事。

  在2013年, Wiggle 成为了国际自行车联盟女子职业骑行车队Wiggle Honda(现在为Wiggle High5 Pro Cycling)的冠名赞助商。这充分彰显了我们对运动,尤其是女子运动的重视和热爱。


  长期以来,Wiggle 不仅为能够成为一家零售商而引以为豪,还致力于和品牌、个人以及客户共同合作,在铁人三项运动市场上开发最优系列,提供最佳服务。

  Wiggle 的自有品牌 dhb、Vitus、Nukeproof、LifeLine 以及 Prime Wheels 完美地体现了他们对运动以及为此提供最佳服务的热情。 这些产品全部都是由 Wiggle 员工在公司内部设计、测试并开发的。每一个品牌都凭借其卓业的质量和最实惠的价格在市场上保持领先地位。

  积极参与户外活动是让人们走到一起,创造成就感,并享受生活的最好方式。 Wiggle 的目标是尽可能地让更多人有机会选择骑行和铁人三项运动。

  如果我们是您,Wiggle 相信我们会非常乐于和这样的公司合作。作为运动爱好者,您会对 Wiggle 感到满意,这是我们的绝对承诺。

Wiggle was originally a small independent bicycle shop based in Portsmouth, England, called & ldquo;Butler Cycles”.

Mitch Dall, the founder of Wiggle, bought the store, which had been in operation for more than 50 years, in 1995. Although it changed its business location after the purchase, it still continued the empirical model of retail bicycles and changed its name to & ldquo;Bike @ Butlers”, which fully demonstrated its interest in the new way of doing business online.

After investment by founders Mitch Dall and Harvey Jones, Wiggle officially launched on May 28th, 1999. Harvy is an Internet fan who is excited about the untapped potential of online trading.

The corporate culture of Wiggle

The Wiggle CRC Group now employs more than 1000 people at its headquarters in Portsmouth and Belfast.

Since its inception, Wiggle has hired sports enthusiasts who are keen on their favorite sports, and they have great enthusiasm for the work they do.

Staff cycling, running and swimming activities are held regularly, as well as competitive events and other sports-related social activities. This is the best way for us to share knowledge and experience with each other, and it also gives you the opportunity to test new products and innovations to ensure that our products provide the best performance.

Events, events and sponsorship

Wiggle has planned and sponsored a series of global events since 2005. There are more than 100 races, including cycling, running and steeplechase.

In 2013, Wiggle became the title sponsor of Wiggle Honda (now Wiggle High5 Pro Cycling), the women’s professional cycling team of the International Cycling Union. This fully demonstrates our importance and love for sports, especially women’s sports.

Our mission.

For a long time, Wiggle is not only proud of being a retailer, but also committed to working with brands, individuals and customers to develop the best series and provide the best service in the Triathlon sports market.

Wiggle’s own brands dhb, Vitus, Nukeproof, LifeLine and Prime Wheels perfectly demonstrate their enthusiasm for sports and providing the best service for it. These products are all designed, tested and developed by Wiggle employees within the company. Each brand maintains a leading position in the market by virtue of its quality and the most affordable price.

Actively participating in outdoor activities is the best way to bring people together, create a sense of achievement, and enjoy life. Wiggle’s goal is to give as many people as possible the opportunity to choose cycling and Triathlon sports.

If we were you, Wiggle believes we would be more than happy to cooperate with such a company. As a sports enthusiast, you will be satisfied with Wiggle, which is our absolute commitment.








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