Star Wars

Star Wars



Star Wars的简介





StarWars is a series of “Star Wars” sci-fi films produced by Lucas Pictures in 1977. Many fans grew up with this film. It is a foreign website of Star Wars, where you can learn about the past life and life of this movie.

Star Wars first launched Star Wars in 1977, followed by Star Wars 2 in 1980 and Star Wars 3 in 1983. This was followed by the Star Wars prequel series, which were released in 1999, 2002 and 2005, respectively.

Star Wars 7: the Force Awakens (StarWars:TheForceAwakens), the seventh installment of the sci-fi film Star Wars series, is directed by Daisy & middot; Ridley, John & middot; Boyega, Harrison & middot; Ford and Oscar & middot; Isaac. The film is set 31 years after the Battle of Endor in Star Wars 6: the return of the Jedi, when two opposing new regimes emerged in the galaxy: first order and Resistance. The film was released in the United States on December 18, 2015 and on Chinese mainland on January 9, 2016.

Disney officially entered the “fast food era” after its acquisition of Lucasfilm. Starting in 2015, a Star Wars film will be released every summer, with eighth and ninth films released in 2017 and 2019, respectively. For the exploration of the starry sky, in addition to science and technology, theory and scientific and technological ideas have also made considerable progress. Here we recommend a domestic Star Wars Chinese website to provide a Chinese material for friends who like the science fiction star series.


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