paris hilton

paris hilton



paris hilton的简介






Paris Hilton, the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, founder of the parishilton Hilton Group, was born in Los Angeles in 1981. Born with a golden spoon, she has lived in the presidential suite at the Waldorf Hotel in New York since she was a child.

After growing up, Paris is tall, with long flowing hair, bright eyes and bright teeth, coupled with the movement and vitality of young people, she can be called a beautiful woman in the eyes of many people. However, she was a little rebellious when she was beautiful and rich. After graduating from high school, she had no intention of studying and became a model.

Paris has earned her enough attention for her words and deeds. She has been a model, an actress, a social celebrity, a party animal, a debauchery, and has an affair with many stars (including Leonardo and Backstreet Boys Nick Carter).

Not long ago, Paris announced that she would bid farewell to the extravagant nightlife of the past and prepare to transform herself from a “flower girl” into a business tycoon. “I’m glad I quit my social life when I was young, and now I’m bored. I want to concentrate on my career. ” Paris is ambitious, she wants to make more money than her parents, and she compares herself to her great-grandfather, who was a poor boy from scratch and made a grand career in the hotel industry. “me, too. I made a lot of money on my own. My father taught us to be independent since childhood. My family is an ambitious family. “

Paris has made a lot of money by making TV movies, publishing bestsellers (the confession of the heiress), producing her own perfume and running her own nightclub, though she can’t compare with her family business. She is very confident in herself. “I am changing from a simple celebrity to a brand.”


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