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伦敦经济学院的经济和金融历史学家娜塔莎·博斯特尔-维奈(Natacha Postel-Vinay)表示:“大多数证据表明,当人们待在家里时,生产力提高了。人们在通勤路上花的时间减少了,所以可以把其中的一部分时间用来工作,而且他们也有更多的时间陪伴家人和睡觉,这意味着他们更快乐,最终也更有效率。”

经济史教授阿波切特·里切尔(Albrecht Ritschl)也表示,通勤的减少可以提高员工的工作效率,并补充称在家工作可以减少花在“毫无意义的会议”上的时间。“在办公室工作和努力工作是两码事。”他表示。


Last month, he wrote on Twitter: “all the things that happen at home will make people think that you don’t have to work hard.”

However, Mr Musk may be wrong about telecommuting. The three economists said telecommuting during the outbreak would not hurt employee productivity.

Musk says home makes people lazy.

Natasha Bostre-Natacha Postel-Vinay, an economic and financial historian at the London School of Economics, said: “most of the evidence shows that people are more productive when they stay at home. People spend less time commuting, so they can spend some of that time at work, and they also spend more time with their families and sleep, which means they are happier and ultimately more productive. “

Albrecht Ritschl, a professor of economic history, also said that fewer commutes could improve employee productivity, adding that working from home could reduce the time spent on “meaningless meetings”. “working in an office and working hard are two different things.” He said.

In some cases, home office productivity drops occasionally, they say, but this is not because people are lazy. Venai and Rachel point out that during outbreaks, people with children at home often have to focus on work and child care, resulting in reduced productivity.

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