严打违规诱导 抖音禁止18岁以下未成年人直播打赏消费

科技2年前 (2022)更新 快科技
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5月31日消息,今日下午,“抖音黑板报”头条号发布抖音直播“关于规范网络直播打赏 加强未成年人保护”的公告。在规范直播打赏,加强未成年人保护方面,抖音直播将重点实施七大措施。官方表示,抖音直播禁止0-18岁的未成年人参与直播充值打赏消费, 并严厉打击违规诱导未成年人用户使用打赏服务。





严打违规诱导 抖音禁止18岁以下未成年人直播打赏消费

Anchors and brokers who know or should know that the user is a minor and still deceive, induce and coerce the minor to recharge consumption in any form will be severely punished once found.

In terms of the list, Douyin Live comprehensively rectifies the list function, forbids ranking anchors and users on the basis of the amount of reward consumption as the only basis, and strengthens the name of “gifts”, standardized design of appearance, and comprehensive self-examination of gifts on the site.Offline and adjust may bring incorrect oriented gifts, do not exaggerate the display, render special effects and other induced users.

It is worth mentioning that the notice points out thatDouyin Live will cancel the “Competition punishment” function from June 7, 2022.The number of “joint broadcasting competitions” between 20:00 and 22:00 of a single account shall not exceed 2 times a day.

In addition, Douyin Live will also optimize and upgrade the “youth model”, establish a special service team, and strengthen network quality education.

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