
科技2年前 (2022)更新 环球网
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《卫报》称,在法国官方给出的几个替代术语中,有“cloud gaming(云游戏)”和“eSports(电子竞技)”,前者被修改为“jeu video en nuage(法语,意为云电子游戏)”,后者现在变为“jeu video de competition(法语,意为电子游戏竞技)”。《卫报》说,有一些修改后的表达方式有明显的翻译痕迹。


《卫报》称,法国经常发出严重警告,称其语言被海峡对岸(英国)或大西洋对岸(美国)的影响侵蚀。有着数百年历史的语言监管机构法国学院(Académie Française)在2月份曾警告称,“(语言)退化绝不能被视为不可避免”。该机构还强调了一些表达方式,包括法国国家铁路运营商SNCF的品牌“Ouigo”(发音为英语的“we go”)以及“big data(大数据)”和“drive-in(免下车)”等外来语。

Author / Li Shan

British media: to keep the language pure, France bans the use of English terms in video games

The French Ministry of Culture, which is involved in the revision process, told Agence France-Presse that the video game industry is full of English, which could become an “obstacle” for non-gamers to understand.

According to the Guardian, among several alternative terms given by French officials are “cloud gaming” and “eSports”. The former has been revised to “jeu video en nuage” and the latter has now become “jeu video de competition”. The Guardian said that some of the revised expressions have obvious traces of translation.

It is reported that the revised rules issued by French officials on the 30th will be binding on government staff. The French Ministry of Culture also said that experts had looked up video game websites and magazines to see if there were any French terms. The department says the overall idea is to make it easier for people to communicate.

France has often issued serious warnings that its language has been eroded by the influence of the other side of the strait (Britain) or the other side of the Atlantic (the United States), the Guardian said. Acad é mie Fran ç aise, a centuries-old language regulator, warned in February that “degradation must not be seen as inevitable”. The agency also highlighted some expressions, including the French national railway operator SNCF’s brand “Ouigo” (pronounced “we go” in English) and loanwords such as “big data (big data)” and “drive-in (drive-in)”.

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