
科技2年前 (2022)发布 cnBeta
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思科英国和爱尔兰的人员和社区主管Jen Scherler-Gormley说:“很明显,混合办公将继续存在,而且有很好的理由,因为员工和企业都看到了关键指标的实际好处–从改善员工的整体健康状况到提高生产力和工作绩效。”


The most interesting finding is that while most people think they are more productive when telecommuting, 61% say they can’t trust their colleagues to do the same. The survey also found that 43% of respondents thought their bosses had more micro-management in telecommuting or hybrid plans.

As with other reports, the findings here suggest that the benefits of not working full-time in the office outweigh the negative factors, such as reduced contact with colleagues, bosses and companies. Seventy-nine percent of respondents said they were more satisfied with the arrangement, and 57 percent said their productivity and quality of work had improved.

In other ways, almost 3/4 of people said their emotional, financial, mental, physical and social well-being had improved through telecommuting and mixed work, while 78 per cent said it had improved their work-life balance. Less than half said their stress levels had dropped, and about 65 percent said their physical fitness and relationships with their families had improved.

Jen Scherler-Gormley, director of personnel and community at Cisco in the UK and Ireland, said: “it is clear that mixed offices will continue to exist, and for good reason, because both employees and companies see the practical benefits of key indicators-from improving the overall health of employees to improving productivity and performance.”

A similar report last month found that most employees do not want to return to the office and may resign because of a lack of flexibility, like Apple’s former director of machine learning. An earlier study also found that people are willing to cut wages and lose benefits to continue to work from home.

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