
科技2年前 (2022)更新 快科技
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靓汤对大银幕矢志不渝的态度赢得了戛纳的好感。影片首映前,电影节主席Pierre Lescure向靓汤颁发(荣誉)金棕榈奖,嘉奖这位年近六十仍在一线拼搏的影坛常青树,同时也是一种弥补——戛纳对商业大片一向不感冒,靓汤有三十年没来过戛纳了。

电影节艺术总监Thierry Fremaux为观众播放了一段介绍靓汤职业生涯的混剪短片并要求观众放下手机起立鼓掌——《好莱坞报道》的记者表示,他印象里还没有哪一位演员在首映开始前赢得这么多次起立鼓掌。





When Jennifer Connery and Miles Tler showed up, the French Air Force’s “French Patrol” aerobatic team swept past the heads of the audience, pulling out blue, white and red smoke:

The reporter noticed that some spectators were holding the Blu-ray disc of “the Last Samurai” looking for a good soup to sign.

Someone is waiting on him with disinfectant, and as long as the soup has physical contact with fans, he should spray his hand. Soup wandered on the red carpet for ten minutes, signing autographs and taking photos to repay the fans who had been waiting for hours in the scorching sun by the sea.

“Top Gun 2” is the last film in the box to be released until now because of the epidemic, and it was scheduled to premiere in the summer of 2020. Before the premiere ceremony, the film festival’s “Dialogue with the Master Unit” invited Liangtang to meet the audience at the Debussy Theater.

Someone asked, “after holding it for two years, don’t you consider online distribution?” “Don’t even think about it,” said Liangtang, who called the theater boss to encourage them to hold on: “I know you’re having a hard time, but we’re shooting Mission impossible, and Top Gun is coming.”

Asked why he was so obsessed with doing stunts in person, “No one would ask Gene Kelly why he danced,” Tang replied.

Liangtang’s unwavering attitude to the big screen won the favor of Cannes. Before the film’s premiere, festival chairman Pierre Lescure presented Liangtang with the Palme d’Or, honoring the nearly 60-year-old film evergreen and making up for it. Cannes has never been interested in commercial blockbusters, and Liangtang hasn’t been to Cannes for 30 years.

Thierry Fremaux, artistic director of the festival, showed audiences a mixed clip about the career of Liangtang and asked the audience to put down their phones and stand up for applause-Hollywood Reporter said he could not remember an actor who had won so many standing applause before the premiere.

The premiere dragged on for 40 minutes, but there was no sign of a positive film, and the additional career short films included “action soup”, “drama soup” and “romantic soup”. More than one reporter noticed that although “Romantic Soup” has collected many actresses who have acted opposite to Liangtang, only Nicole Kidman, who has worked with Liangtang three times, is missing.

At 10 p.m. local time on Wednesday, the last picture faded from the big screen of the Festival Palace Theater, and the audience stood up and applauded again for six minutes. Tom Cruise burst into tears on the spot, ending a magnificent day of his career.

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