今日早报 每日热点15条新闻简报 每天一分钟 知晓天下事2月3日

虫网早报1年前 (2023)更新 zaobao
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2023年2月3日 星期五 农历正月十三

















Friday, February 3, 2023, the 13th day of the first lunar month

1. Cross-border e-commerce ushered in new policy support: due to slow sales and return of goods, the original return within 6 months from the date of export can achieve “zero tax burden”.

2, the Ministry of Commerce: 2022 China’s overall business operation to achieve steady progress, six consecutive years to maintain the status of the largest country in trade in goods.

3, Luoyang launched 20 measures to activate the property market: housing subsidies, tax concessions, with mortgage transfer and so on.

4. Ten departments in Hebei have promoted the reform of marriage customs: by 2025, they will effectively curb the bad customs such as high-priced bride price and vulgar marriage.

5. Yinchuan to Solicit Opinions on Optimizing Fertility Measures: Increase the Reimbursement Ratio of Hospital Delivery Medical Expenses for Two or Three Children.

6. Hong Kong will distribute 500000 free air tickets to tourists from all over the world. Passengers are welcome to Hong Kong.

7. The domestic large amphibious aircraft AG600M has entered the stage of model forensics test flight.

8. China will build an overseas satellite ground station in Antarctica.

9. Jiangxi reported that Hu Mouyu died of self-hanging: the contents of the recording pen were open, with clear world-weariness and suicide tendency.

10. The United States and the Philippines announced an agreement to allow the United States to use four military bases in the Philippines. The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines hopes that the Philippines will remain vigilant and avoid being used.

11, the Federal Reserve announced a 25 basis point rate hike; the European Central Bank raised three major interest rates by 50 basis points; the Bank of England announced a 50 basis point rate hike.

12. Japan’s desire to carry out a nuclear decontamination soil reuse test was opposed by residents around the plan.

13. European Space Agency: Due to limited budget, it no longer plans to send astronauts to China’s Tiangong Space Station.

14. U.S. Media: The FBI searched Biden’s Delaware residence and took some documents.

15. The United States intends to provide long-range rockets to Ukraine for the first time, and Russia responds that it will not change the course of the incident.

[Wei Yu] Dream is like a seed, planted in people’s hearts, taking root and sprouting, urging people to move forward, striving to enrich themselves, and looking forward to fruitful results.

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