今日早报 每日热点15条新闻简报 每天一分钟 知晓天下事 11月30日

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2022年11月30日 星期三 农历十一月初七


2、国产大飞机C919获颁生产许可证 ,标志着我国具备批量生产制造大型客机的能力。















Wednesday, November 30, 2022, the 7th day of the 11th lunar month

1. Congratulations! The launch of the Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft was a complete success.

2, the domestic large aircraft C919 was awarded a production license, indicating that China has the ability to mass produce large passenger aircraft.

3, the Health Commission: continue to increase the supervision of testing institutions, the issuance of false nucleic acid reports and other acts resolutely and seriously deal.

4. China Disease Control: The death rate of Omi Keron’s severe illness has been significantly reduced, but the elderly with underlying diseases will still have severe illness.

5, the national organization coronary stent collection renewal results: the average selected price of about 770 yuan.

6. Zhengzhou: Except for high-risk areas, there are no social activists and nucleic acid testing is not required.

7, Shandong plans to invest more than 23 billion yuan to build a permanent square cabin hospital, new isolation beds more than 200,000.

8. Urumqi: 300 yuan will be given one-time living assistance to low-income and non-income people.

9. Hebei has made it clear that individuals can dissuade and stop domestic violence as courageous.

10. Russia and the United States failed to reach an agreement on the launch of the negotiations on the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

11. A new generation of stealth bombers in the United States will B- 21 come out, each at about 2 billion US dollars, and will carry out nuclear missions.

12, 2 million tons per year, supply at least 15 years, Germany won the first Qatar gas long-term contract.

13. Scottish citizens demanded a referendum, calling for Scotland to separate from the United Kingdom and become independent.

14. Affected by trade sanctions, Russia intends to purchase a large number of key components from India.

15. Day 10 of the World Cup: Netherlands 2-0 Qatar, Ecuador 1-2 Senegal, Iran 0-1 USA, Wales 0-3 England.

[Wei Yu] If you don’t welcome the future, you don’t love the past. If you live the present well, you will live your whole life.

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