今日早报 每日热点15条新闻简报 每天一分钟 知晓天下事 10月29日

虫网早报2年前 (2022)更新 zaobao
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2022年10月29日 星期六 农历十月初五











11、马斯克已完成以440亿美元将推特私有化的交易,CEO、CFO 等多名高管被解雇。






Saturday, October 29, 2022, the fifth day of the tenth lunar month

1, data: In October, the average rent price of large and medium-sized cities in the country continued to decline, the same month-on-month decline expanded.

2. Dongguan: Trial implementation of flexible employment personnel to deposit provident fund, including students and foreign personnel.

3, Shenzhen for the first time released the rent reference price: covering Shenzhen’s residential areas, urban villages and so on.

4. Guangzhou plans to stipulate that tourism, fishing, washing and other activities are prohibited in the first-class protection zone of drinking water sources.

5. Shiyan, Hubei: I, my spouse, parents and children can withdraw the provident fund when buying a house or repaying the loan.

6. Shanghai: Electronic cigarettes are included in the scope of smoking ban in public places and will be officially implemented on the 28th.

7. Nanchang: On November 1, betel nut was severely fined for selling as food. At present, some e-commerce platforms in stores are still selling.

8. Yunnan: 500 rural teachers with more than 20 years of teaching experience will be selected and awarded 100,000 yuan to each.

9. The new red rice product is charged in 210W seconds and can be fully charged in 9 minutes. The charging time of the mobile phone has entered a single digit era.

10, Fan Zhendong 2-3 lost to Ocharov, missed the Xinxiang WTT World Cup semi-finals.

11. Musk has completed the deal to privatize Twitter for 44 billion US dollars, and many senior executives such as CEO and CFO have been fired.

12. The EU has reached a historic agreement to ban the production of new fuel vehicles from 2035.

13. The United States issued the “Nuclear Posture Review Report 2022”: Targeting China’s tailor-made nuclear deterrence strategy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded: US nuclear blackmail cannot scare China.

14. Floods have occurred in Mindanao, Philippines. At least 31 people have died, and the death toll is expected to rise.

15. Russian Ministry of Defense: 300,000 partial mobilization targets have been completed and no new mobilization will be carried out.

[Wei Yu] The years are long and everything has a period. People who wish to work hard to live have their own ups and downs.

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