全国早报- 2022年10月11日 星期二 深圳铁路部门10月11日起实施新的列车运行图

虫网早报2年前 (2022)发布 zaobao
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6、福田区为老人免费体检 体检对象不限户籍,年满65周岁,多区也在跟进

7、深圳国庆档开业5购物中心 数量和体量均居全国第一

8、开通倒计时!两线三枢纽通过初期运营前安全评估。“两线三枢纽” 即深圳地铁14号线、11号线福岗段和岗厦北、黄木岗、大运枢纽,开通运营后,将成为连接深圳CBD与东部地区的交通走廊











19、上海:监控拍下保姆“变装”代雇主做核酸 两人均被警方行政处罚




23、西宁野生动物园 :我国唯一圈养雄性兔狲意外死亡



26、北方多地迎来雨雪大风 气温将大范围创下半年来新低

27、我国发现新物种“白盖鸡油菌” 专家建议不要采食

28、普京:大桥爆炸是乌方策划的恐袭;白俄:乌炸毁乌白边境几乎所有桥梁;俄官员警告西方不要触犯俄罗斯红线;普京与卢卡申科就部署区域联合部队达成一致;普京称俄军对乌克兰军事目标实施打;乌总统办公室:乌克兰多个城市遭俄导弹袭击;乌克兰首都基辅市中心发生多次爆炸;乌军方称俄军发射了75枚导弹;乌首都地铁停运 全部开放为避难所;欧盟:对俄袭击基辅平民感到震惊;中国大使馆紧急提醒:所有中国公民不要来乌;乌媒称导弹袭击已致至少10死60伤;俄方:美国高价出售天然气大发横财;


National Morning Post: Tuesday, October 11, 2022

1. Starting from October 10, 2022, Shenzhen Metro Line 5 will suspend its operation service. Starting from October 10, 2022, Shenzhen Metro Line 1 Gushu Station, Xixiang Station, Pingzhou Station, Baodi Station, Xin ‘an Station, and Line 1/5 Baoan Central Station, line 5 Linhai Station, Baohua Station, Panshen Station, and Line 11 Bihaiwan Station and Baoan Station are temporarily suspended (Line 1/5 Baoan Central Station retains the transfer function in the station)

2. Starting from 00: 00 on October 10, 2022, some bus stops in Bao ‘an will be suspended from operation and will be passed by bus lines. Involving Xin ‘an Street

3. Shenzhen No.2 Children’s Hospital plans 1500 beds, which are planned to be completed in June 2023 and will be put into trial operation in December of that year.

4. Shenzhen’s Environmental Health Index Released in the Third Quarter of 2022: Futian District Continues to Lead the City, Luohu District and Longgang District have made remarkable progress! The top three are Futian District, Luohu District and Yantian District

5. On October 9, Shenzhen added 9 confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infection

6, Futian District for the elderly free physical examination object is not limited to household registration, over 65 years old, many districts are also following up

7. Shenzhen’s National Day stalls opened 5 shopping centers in terms of number and volume, ranking first in the country.

8. Open countdown! The two-line and three-hub pass the initial pre-operation safety assessment. The “two lines and three hubs” are Shenzhen Metro Line 14 and Line 11 Fugang Section and Gangxia North, Huangmugang, and Universiade hubs. After opening and operating, they will become a transportation corridor connecting Shenzhen CBD and the eastern region

9. Shenzhen: Upgrade the yellow warning of land forest fire danger to orange at 08: 20 on October 10, 2022

10. By the end of 2021, the total number of small and medium-sized enterprises in Shenzhen had reached 2.41 million.

11, Shenzhen’s first international hydrogen energy industrial park Yantian unveiled: strive to cultivate 2 to 3 hydrogen energy listed enterprises within 5 years

12. Shaoguan: Without masks and spitting in public places, several passing citizens were infected! A man was placed on file for investigation.

13. Shenzhen will return to temperature after a short cooling: in the next few days, Shenzhen will have sunny and dry weather. It is expected that the cold air will end on the 11th, and the temperature will gradually rise, with the highest temperature reaching about 31 degrees.

14. Shenzhen Railway Department will implement a new train diagram from October 11 to increase the capacity input of long-distance popular lines and stations.

15. A woman in Zhanjiang was cut by a cross-sky kite string on her bicycle. The kite was tied to a pillar after being flown by passers-.

16, Shenzhen new energy vehicle sales increased significantly

17. Bao ‘an District: Off-campus training and trusteeship institutions in high-risk areas, medium-risk areas, temporary control areas and low-risk areas of the whole district suspend offline services

18. Nanjing: Not in line with promise! The company was sentenced to make up for the 70,000 with less annual salary, and the other party promised an annual income of 16-180,000 yuan.

19. Shanghai: Monitoring and Photographing Nanny’s “Transdress” to Do Nucleic Acid on behalf of Employer

20. Experts: Over-94% Old People Are Still Raising Grandchildren

21. National Development and Reform Commission: On October 10, 2022, domestic refined oil prices will not be adjusted

22, the central bank: to build a credit system covering the whole society.

23. Xining Wildlife Park: China’s only captive male rabbit died unexpectedly

24. How badly do Chinese people plant trees? The forest area has increased by nearly two in 10 years.

25. The Nobel Prize in Economics was announced in 2022, and three economists, including former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, won the prize.

26, the north ushered in rain, snow and gale temperature will hit a new low in the second half of the year

27, China found a new species “white cover chicken oil bacteria” experts suggest not to eat

28. Putin: The bridge explosion was a terrorist attack planned by Ukraine; Belarus: Ukraine blew up almost all bridges on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border; Russian officials warned the West not to violate the Russian red line; Putin and Lukashenko reached an agreement on the deployment of regional joint forces; Putin said the Russian army was attacking Ukrainian military targets; Ukrainian President’s Office: Several cities in Ukraine were attacked by Russian missiles; There were many explosions in the center of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine; the Ukrainian military said that the Russian army launched 75 missiles; the Ukrainian capital subway was shut down and all opened as shelters; the European Union: shocked by the Russian attack on civilians in Kiev; the Chinese Embassy urgently reminded: all Chinese citizens not to come to Ukraine; Ukrainian media said that the missile attack has caused at least 10 deaths and 60 injuries; Russia: The United States sold natural gas at a high price and made a fortune;

Health: especially sleep? Sleepiness is also a sleep disorder. In our country, about 1/3 people have all kinds of sleep problems. Sleep disorders mainly include insomnia, lethargy and sleepwalking. Many people are prone to anxiety and depression after a period of insomnia. Sleep disorders also increase the risk of physical diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, and immune dysfunction. Experts said that adolescents, women, and the elderly are people with a high incidence of sleep disorders and should be paid attention.

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