
每天看世界2年前 (2022)发布 mtksj
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9月29日周四,德国联邦统计局公布的数据显示,德国9月CPI同比初值继续从上月的7.9%攀升至10%,高于预期的9.5%。调和CPI同比继上月大涨8.8%,9月再次大涨10.9%,高于预期的10.2%,续创欧元区成立以来新高。  德国前总理 默克尔:你们认识普京很久了。(关于)他是一个什么样的人,我想说,应该认真对待他的话。鉴于过去几天的事态发展,我想补充一句,认真对待这些话,不要认为是虚张声势而置之不理,要认真对待。这在任何情况下都不是软弱的表现,而是政治智慧的象征。它有助于保留回旋的余地,甚至找到






September 30, the fifth day of the ninth lunar month, Friday!

here, read the world for 60 seconds every day!

1. Ministry of Transport: Before traveling across provinces during the National Day holiday, a 48-hour nucleic acid test negative certificate must be prepared. The National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention: to prevent the phenomenon of one size fits all and layer by layer;

2. Two departments: gradually relax the lower limit of the interest rate of the first home loan in some cities; Shenyang: support the mutual assistance of employees and families to withdraw housing provident fund to purchase houses, and the total amount can reach the full purchase price; Three departments: it is illegal to train primary and secondary school students in the name of “family education guidance;

In the 1/4 finals of the 2022 Women’s Basketball World Cup held on the

3 and 29th, the Chinese team defeated the French team 85:71 to advance to the semi-finals and returned to the World Cup semi-finals after 28 years;

On September 29, Chinese players celebrated their promotion after the match. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Hu Jingchen)

4. Ministry of Defense: Disengagement of Sino-Indian first-line troops in Nandaban promotes peace and tranquillity in the border area;

5. Jiangsu: Starting from December 1, parents will be hospitalized after 60 years old, and only children can enjoy not less than 5 days of paid nursing leave;

6. Nanjing Scientists: For the first time, a certain number and different types of microplastics and dye particles have been found in human thrombosis, which may be potentially related to the formation of thrombosis;

7. The new regulations on electronic cigarettes will come into effect on October 1: the production and operation shall have a tobacco monopoly license, all fruit-flavored electronic cigarettes shall be removed from the shelves, and only national standard tobacco-flavored electronic cigarettes and smoking sets with children’s locks shall be provided;

8. The South Korean National Assembly passed a bill on the removal of Foreign Minister Park Jin: the President’s visit to the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada “returned empty-handed”, which is “an unprecedented diplomatic rollover”, which is detrimental to the country. The President may exercise the right of veto; South Korea: On the 29th, North Korea launched an unidentified ballistic missile into the eastern waters of the peninsula, but the North Korean side has no statement for the time being;

Park Zhen, pictured from Korean media

9. China and the Philippines cooperate again: to crack down on online gambling, the Philippines will repatriate 40,000 Chinese citizens engaged in gambling and hope to restart oil and gas negotiations in the South China Sea;

Philippine President Marcos

10. Sentenced in the case of leaking state secrets in Myanmar’s former senior minister: Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment. So far, he has been sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment for multiple crimes, and some cases are still in the trial stage;

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi data map

11. Germany’s inflation rate reached 10% in September. The German Chancellor announced that he would inject 200 billion euros into the Economic Stability Fund to cope with the rise in energy prices. Former German Chancellor Merkel made a rare statement: Western countries should take Putin’s speech seriously;

On Thursday, September 29, data released by the German Federal Statistical Office showed that Germany’s initial year-on-year value of C PI in September continued to climb to 10% from the 7.9% of the previous month, higher than the expected 9.5%. Reconciliation CPI rose 10.9% again in September, 8.8% year-on-year, higher than the expected 10.2%, and continued to hit a new high since the establishment of the euro zone. Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany: You have known Putin for a long time. (About) What kind of person is he, I want to say, should take his words seriously. In view of the developments of the past few days, I would like to add that these words should be taken seriously, not regarded as bluffing and ignored, but taken seriously. This is not a sign of weakness under any circumstances, but a symbol of political wisdom. It helps keep room for maneuver, even finding

12. On the 28th, Hurricane Ian of Category 4 landed in Florida, USA. A large number of buildings and vehicles were flooded. More than 2 million households were cut off. Some people even photographed sharks swimming in the streets. Biden declared that the state faced a major disaster and ordered federal aid;

13. Kremlin: Udong 4 will officially “enter Russia” at 15: 00 p.m. on the 30th. Putin will attend the signing ceremony and speak. Foreign media: Finland decided on the 29th to close its border to Russian tourists. The regulations will take effect as early as the evening of the 30th;

14. Several French trade unions have issued a nationwide strike call: prices have soared and wages are urgently needed. If the strike is held, the operation of France’s transportation, education and energy sectors will be affected;

15, NATO: “North Stream” pipeline was “deliberate, reckless and irresponsible” damage “;

[whispers] think too much is all questions, do too much is all answers.

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