三星堆青铜神兽首次展出 外形酷似机器狗

科技2年前 (2022)发布 快科技
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据悉,这件青铜神兽出土于三星堆遗址祭祀区三号坑坑底,临近西壁。 长28.5厘米、高26.4厘米、宽23厘米,尾部上翘后弯,后肢缺失,双耳、尾部等处残损。

三星堆青铜神兽首次展出 外形酷似机器狗





三星堆青铜神兽首次展出 外形酷似机器狗


It is reported that this bronze immortal beast was unearthed at the bottom of pit No. 3 in the sacrificial area of Sanxingdui site, near the west wall. The length is 28.5 cm, the height is 26.4 cm, the width is 23 cm, the tail is bent upwards, the hindlimb is missing, and the ears and tail are damaged.

(the picture is from the official WeChat of Yibin Museum)

The bronze immortal beast has a corner on its head, and the word “minister” has a flat, oblong wide mouth. The neck is short, the torso is long, the chest is straight, the waist is flat, and the limbs are stretched out. Hoof and foot, the tail is warped and bent back, and the surface is decorated with cloud and thunder strips, which makes it look very strong and powerful as a whole. Many netizens lamented that the bronze immortal beast in Sanxingdui is like a modern robot dog.

According to the Yibin City Museum, the content of this exhibition is to take the bronze civilization with rich characteristics and prosperous scenes of Bashu culture in the Shang and Zhou dynasties as the theme, selecting fine cultural relics such as bronzes, gold and jade with profound cultural connotations and unique artistic aesthetics, showing the civilization atmosphere that the Ba-Shu cultural system is closely linked and promotes each other.

What do you think this bronze immortal beast looks like for the first time? It is said that a thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets, so you might as well give your own opinion!

(the picture is from the official WeChat of Yibin Museum)

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