北京上空飘来七彩祥云 肉眼清晰可见

科技2年前 (2022)更新 快科技
据@海客新闻 官微消息,5月11日上午,北京市上空出现七彩云朵。不少看到此情景的网友纷纷表示:意中人要出现了。据悉,这个梗来源于周星驰和朱茵主演经典电影《大话西游》的台词,其中紫霞仙子称:“我的意中人是盖世英雄,有一天他会踏着七色云彩回来娶我,我猜中了前头可我猜不中这结局。”


北京上空飘来七彩祥云 肉眼清晰可见



北京上空飘来七彩祥云 肉眼清晰可见



However, from a scientific point of view, this kind of scene occurs because the sun is obscured by clouds, and at the edge of the clouds, there is an iridescent color that can be easily seen by the naked eye due to diffraction.Usually, sunglasses should be worn when observing such colorful clouds to protect eyesight.

Most of the time, the colorful clouds will appear after the rain, due to the abundant moisture in the atmosphere and the refraction of the sun.

When the sunlight passes through a fine cloud and the water droplets are suspended in the particles, the water droplets diffraction the light in different directions, and the diffracted light interferes with each other. Bright light will be seen at the junction of light waves, and dark light will be seen at the offset.

Different colors have different diffraction angles, and the bright areas of one color appear in the dark areas of another color, gradually forming a color sequence. The farther away from the sun, the lighter the color. Because the clouds are distributed in irregular flakes, irregular flaky colored clouds are produced.

To put it simply, the principle of the formation of colorful auspicious clouds is that after the rain, the dark clouds dispersed, and the refraction produced by the sun formed such a scene, which is a physical phenomenon.


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