
科技2年前 (2022)更新 GeekPark极客公园
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NFT 在去年出圈大火,一脚横跨艺术、游戏、头像、金融各领域。根据数据公司 Nonfungible 发布的报告,2021 年 NFT的交易额接近 177 亿美元,比 2020 年的 8200 万美元增长了约 210 倍。NFT的高热度吸引了全球目光,但热闹终究只属于少数人。除了极少数的项目方和早期押中蓝筹项目的投资人赚到了钱,大部分人不过是买了一张“JPG”,换了个头像。


但也有一群人,他们因为 NFT 赚了个盆满钵满,但还不像知名项目方或加密艺术家那样树大招风,是典型的闷声大大财。他们就是 NFT 加密网红群体。

最近有一份名单价目表在网上流传。一些加密网红发一条推文推广某个 NFT 项目,收费超过 2 万美元。

网红带货 NFT 已经成为一项经济产业。那么,这些网红是如何通过“带货 NFT”发家致富的?



Ashley Duncan 的名字在这张价目表上。她原来是一家软件公司的商业分析师,还做过房地产经纪人,也在银行工作过,但她从来没有像现在一样喜欢自己的新工作——在 Twitter 上发文,付费推广 NFT。

这份工作的收入比她之前任何时候都高,她在两个月内赚的钱比原来一年都多。“我可以靠发 Twitter 和与人交流来谋生,还有谁能做到这一点?”她说,“这太疯狂了。”

去年早些时候,Ashley 开始活跃在 Twitter 上的加密货币社区,最初靠发表情包和笑话给自己积累了关注者。她很快发现,可以通过向不断增长的关注者推广 NFT 来赚钱。到去年 10 月份,她赚到的钱足以让自己辞掉原来一板一眼的工作,全职做 NFT 加密项目的付费推广、咨询。

根据流传出来的价目单,Ashley 这样的 KOL 发表一条原创推文的价格从几百到上万美元不等:咖位小的博主一条收费一百多美元,女明星 Lindsay Lohan 一条推文的价格是 2.5 万美元。一次性支付 8 万美元可以买下名单上全部账号的原创推文。转发的报价较低,大概是原创的一半价钱。

网上流传的加密网红带货价目单。| 来源:Twitter 账号 @zachxbt

网上流传的加密网红带货价目单。| 来源:Twitter 账号 @zachxbt


金主是 NFT 或者加密货币的项目方,他们愿意为这种推广模式掏腰包。

与 Ashley 合作过的初创公司 Dank Bank 最近筹集了 400 万美元,要打造一个专注于表情包和精彩小视频的 NFT 项目。创始人兼 CEO Harry Jones 愿意把钱花在 NFT 带货网红身上,因为传统的广告在加密领域不起作用,加密社区的人不会被传统广告激发购买欲。


网红群体是加密世界“有影响力的人”,而他们的影响力大多来自现实世界的延伸,在社交媒体上向数十万或数百万人推广加密项目。而 web 3 世界的消费观念也没有摆脱 web 2 的购买习惯——在去中心化的生态下,人们更愿意购买中心化推荐机制下的产品。

这也是 Ashley 们如此狂热的原因。所有加密项目都需要他们来背书,收入会源源不断。

除了 Ashley,报价单上还有数百人,包括 Instagram 模特、职业曲棍球运动员、电竞运动员、说唱歌手……世界各地有影响力的人正在 Twitter、YouTube 和 TikTok 上推广 NFT 或其他加密项目。

加拿大唱片艺术家 Kyle Fortch 已经转向兜售 NFT 项目来获取报酬。来自尼日利亚的前 NGO 工作人员 Udeme William 现在整天都在协调加密项目的交易,向公司提供营销脚本、图片和信息。

外界想象中,网红博主依靠发推内容来赚钱,是创意型工作。事实上,NFT 带货的一部分工作内容是机械性的,甚至是自动化的。



在成为加密网红之前,William 每个月只能赚到两三百美元,由于通货膨胀越来越严重,他的工资有时甚至无法支付食物、交通、住房等基本生活需求,要靠高息贷款才能维持生计。生活惨淡的他迷上了入加密圈,开 Twitter 账号分享心得,收获了一波关注者,甚至币安的创始人兼 CEO 赵长鹏也关注了他的账号。

William 发挥自己的影响力优势,开始做 NFT 项目推广。他供职于一家非洲的 NFT 公司,并与另一家公司 Nabox 签约,帮他们联系其他加密网红,让网红们每天发 Twitter 谈论某个项目,并在其他社交媒体上推广,给项目带来曝光度和潜在的投资者。公司的推广费用一部分拿给那些网红,其余部分归 William 所有。

Nabox 公司的业务类似加密世界的中介机构或 MCN。NFT 项目方与其挨个去找愿意接活的网红达人,不如直接去找有达人资源的经纪公司,让他们从中协调交易。

Dapp Centre 是一家主营这类业务的市场营销公司。团队自称拥有一份包含 200 多位加密网红的合作名单,可以举办大型活动。价目表泄露事件发生后,Dapp Centre 官方账号发了一条 Twitter:“你要做的就是给我发私信,拿到我的报价单。”

他们开出的价格并不便宜,一项名为“LFG!”(Let』s fucking go!)的套餐价值 3000 美元到 15 万美元不等。这些推广信息会发到 Instagram、YouTube 和 TikTok 上。还有更贵的套餐要价 30 万美元,包含 200 多个 Twitter 账号,每个账号发两条原创和一条转发。其中每位网红都有账号评分,个人收入高达 3.5 万美元。

Dapp Centre 向潜在客户提供了一些营销套餐选项。| 来源:VICE

Dapp Centre 向潜在客户提供了一些营销套餐选项。| 来源:VICE

这份名单上的网红有人表示这家公司的报价虚高,有人根本不知道 Dapp Centre 是谁,甚至有人说自己完全不做加密付费推广。

目前,Dapp Centre 的官方 Twitter 账号已经被暂停使用,具体原因不得而知。公司官网上关闭了“网红”栏目,上述的套餐报价曾在这里展示。


Crypto Bri 是名单上的美国加密网红,但她忘记自己曾经与 Dapp Centre 合作过。她的收费价格比公司列出的价格低得多,但她能理解营销机构从中赚差价的心思和操作。“营销公司通常向我支付一条推文的价格,然后向项目方客户收取两到三倍的价钱。”

如果 NFT 项目方想做一个为期两周的营销活动,他们大概率还是会选择找中介公司,可以免去自己寻找、联系网红的麻烦,签约环节也更省心。

现在全球市场上知名的 NFT 项目,例如无聊猿游艇俱乐部(Bored Ape Yacht Club,BAYC)、加密朋克(CryptoPunks),也有自己的营销推广公司 NFT Community。公司在了解项目想法之后,会制定适合的营销策略和预算,在各大社交平台铺开推广,KOL 们每天至少发布三次,还可以登上繁华都市街道的巨型广告牌。

网红和营销公司合作算是一种薄利多销的手段。Dapp Centre 还会为网红们审查项目方的靠谱程度,提供原创推文的内容模板。加拿大唱片艺术家 Kyle Fortch 成为一名加密网红后,非常欣赏 Dapp Centre,认为他们是“比项目方更重要的合作伙伴之一”。



Fortch 算是一位比较谨慎的加密网红,很看重自己在圈内的声誉。他在接项目的时候,只用固定价格的形式来收费,不接受项目的代币。


Fortch 这么做的原因就是担心项目方在项目火起来之后卷铺盖跑路。如果有粉丝来兴师问罪,他可以坦然地说自己没有助推炒作:“我甚至都不是代币的持有者。”Fortch 在与营销公司签约合作之前,还会对对方进行背调,确保公司不会利用他炒作完之后携款消失。

在文案内容上,Fortch 也坚持原创,他真的很讨厌别人往他嘴里“塞东西”。所以很多加密项目方希望 Fortch 可以用自己的风格来写推文或做视频,这样的内容看起来不会太像商业广告。

Fortch 现在专注于每月接手一两个项目,让产品多样化,不仅是发布一条推文,还通过播客来推广,并帮助项目进行幕后营销。他希望有一天能融合自己的兴趣,制作一个“加密音乐视频”。“我正在努力扩大我的价值,而不仅是发一条推文。”

“这是一个梦幻般的造富场景。”全职做加密网红带货的 Ashley 说,“不是每个人都有这样的机会,所以不能掉以轻心。”

Ashley 会主动披露自己的付费推广项目。| 来源:Twitter

Ashley 会主动披露自己的付费推广项目。| 来源:Twitter

Ashley 找到了一个由网红达人组成的在线社区,大家在里面交换意见,希望把社区打造成更加专业和值得信赖的空间。她不喜欢“网红达人”这个称呼,尽管她自己偶尔也会这么说。她觉得这个词很容易和“骗子”联系到一起。她现在选择合作方也更加谨慎,并试图找到长期的合作伙伴,建立彼此的信任。

William 也不喜欢为一个项目匆忙发条 Twitter 来获得报酬,他在寻找能持续六个月到一年时间的工作。

加密项目方 Jones 支持这样的行业生态变化。他认为网红KOL对加密行业和市场的发展至关重要,仅靠一条推文来对他们定价,是“奇怪的”和“不尊重人的”。


争议焦点在于如何认定一条涉及项目推广内容的 Twitter 属于付费促销,适用什么标准。

梳理泄露名单上的 Twitter 账号,其中有一些人在个人资料中表明自己在推广加密项目,列出了商务合作的联系信息;一些人说自己受雇于某个加密项目;一些人自称是“加密推广者”或“加密网红”,但强调自己的推文“不是财务建议”。

按照 FTC 规定,网络付费推广必须在促销推文中做出明确的披露,而不能只是在博主的个人资料页面上标注。如果是在 YouTube 或 TikTok 上做付费推广,博主必须在整个推广视频中进行全程披露,不能只在片头或片尾等某一时段添加标注。信息披露必须在付费促销内容旁边“清晰且显著”地展示。

一般规则下,如果代言人和营销机构之间存在消费者意料之外的联系,并会影响消费者对广告的评价,那么就应该公开这种联系。FTC 技术事务发言人表示,加密项目适用一般规则,并不例外。


研究互联网营销和广告法的律师 David Klein 指出,如果加密公司的总部设在美国,情况尤其如此。FTC 的法规适用于任何规模和行业的公司,甚至适用于社交媒体平台。网红达人、营销公司、加密项目方都是 FTC 的监管目标。“链条上的每一个人都有责任。”

各方应该签署书面协议,共同遵守 FTC 的法规和披露指南。协议签署后,公司有义务持续监控项目推广活动。“把头埋进沙子里装看不见是没用的,判断的标准是你是否知道或应该知道。”Klein 说。

Fortch 反对这种监管。他认为加密 KOL 的职责是告诉关注者们,发文推广是基于个人意见,而不是财务建议,关注者应该自己去做研究。“这比告诉他们我发软文赚钱更重要。”Fortch 有时会在他的推文中加入主题标签“广告”,但他并不认为这是必须的。

“我讨厌别人认为我可以影响市场,没有人应该拥有这种权力。”Ashley 说,“但有些人说我有。”

据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国市场研究公司 MarketsandMarkets 预测,未来五年,左右全球 NFT 市场的关键因素之一仍然是主流网红。估计大概率还是这些“榜上有名”的KOL。







作者 | 雪小顽 编辑|靖宇


But there is also a group of people who have made a lot of money because of NFT, but they are not as successful as well-known project parties or encryption artists. They are the NFT encrypted network celebrity group.

Recently, a list and price list has been circulated on the Internet. Some encrypted Internet celebrities send a tweet to promote a NFT project, charging more than $20, 000.

NFT with online celebrities has become an economic industry. So, how do these online celebrities get rich through “NFT with goods”?

Originality is more expensive than forwarding.

The package is more favorable.

Ashley Duncan’s name is on this price list. She used to be a business analyst for a software company, worked as a real estate agent and worked in a bank, but she has never liked her new job as much as now-posting on Twitter and paying to promote NFT.

The income of this job is higher than ever before, and she has made more money in two months than in the previous year. “I can make a living by Twitter and communicating with people. Who else can do that?” She said, “this is crazy.”

Early last year, Ashley became active in the cryptocurrency community on Twitter, initially gaining followers by posting emojis and jokes. She soon discovered that she could make money by promoting NFT to a growing audience. By October last year, she had earned enough money to quit her job and work full-time as a paid promotion and consultant for NFT encryption projects.

According to the circulated price list, the price of an original tweet posted by a KOL like Ashley ranges from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars: a small blogger charges more than $100, and actress Lindsay Lohan charges more than $25000 for a tweet. You can buy original tweets from all the accounts on the list for an one-time payment of $80,000. The forwarded price is lower, about half of the original price.

An encrypted online celebrity with a price list circulated on the Internet. | | Source: Twitter account @ zachxbt |

It is more cost-effective to buy a “package”. A “package” consists of two original items and one retweet, and the price is basically two original amounts, and forwarding is equivalent to a giveaway.

The financiers are the project side of NFT or cryptocurrency, who are willing to pay for this promotion model.

Dank Bank, a startup that has worked with Ashley, recently raised $4 million to create a NFT project that focuses on emojis and great videos. Founder and CEO Harry Jones is willing to spend money on NFT online celebrities, because traditional advertising doesn’t work in the encryption field, and people in encrypted communities are not motivated by traditional ads.

Instead, potential consumers of these encryption projects are more likely to seek advice from KOL, an online celebrity they trust.

Online celebrity groups are “influential people” in the encrypted world, and most of their influence comes from real-world extensions, promoting encryption programs to hundreds of thousands or millions of people on social media. On the other hand, the consumption concept of the web 3 world does not get rid of the buying habit of web 2-in a decentralized ecology, people are more willing to buy products under the centralized recommendation mechanism.

That’s why Ashley are so crazy. All encryption projects need them to endorse, and the income will continue to flow.

In addition to Ashley, there are hundreds of people on the quotation, including Instagram models, professional hockey players, e-sports players, rappers. Influential people around the world are promoting NFT or other encryption projects on Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok.

Canadian record artist Kyle Fortch has turned to peddling the NFT project to get paid. Udeme William, a former NGO worker from Nigeria, now spends all day coordinating transactions in encryption projects, providing the company with marketing scripts, pictures and information.

In the imagination of the outside world, online celebrity bloggers make money by posting content, which is a creative job. In fact, part of the work of NFT carrying goods is mechanical, even automated.

Leave messages to these bloggers and usually get a reply like robot customer service in a few seconds: enter “Promotion” or “Price” to view my price list.

MCN of NFT bound

Before becoming an encrypted Internet celebrity, William earned only $200 to $300 a month. Because of rising inflation, his salary sometimes could not even cover basic needs such as food, transportation and housing, and he had to rely on high-interest loans to make ends meet. With his miserable life, he was infatuated with the encryption circle, opened a Twitter account to share his experiences, and gained a wave of followers, and even Zhao Changpeng, founder and CEO of Yuan’an, followed his account.

William gave full play to its influence and began to promote NFT projects. He works for an African NFT company and signs up with another company, Nabox, to help them contact other encrypted web celebrities who post Twitter every day to talk about a project and promote it on other social media, bringing exposure and potential investors to the project. Part of the company’s promotion money goes to online celebrities and the rest goes to William.

Nabox’s business is similar to that of intermediaries or MCN in the encrypted world. Instead of going one by one to find online celebrities who are willing to take over, NFT project parties should go directly to brokers with talent resources and ask them to coordinate transactions.

Dapp Centre is a marketing company specializing in this kind of business. The team claims to have a list of more than 200 encrypted online celebrities and can host large-scale events. After the price list leak, Dapp Centre’s official account sent a Twitter: “all you have to do is send me a private message and get my quotation.”

The price they offer is not cheap, one is called “LFG!” (Let “s fucking go! The package values range from $3000 to $150000. These promotional messages will be sent to Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. A more expensive package costs $300000, including more than 200 Twitter accounts, each sending two originals and one retweet. Each of these online celebrities has an account score, with a personal income of $35000.

Dapp Centre offers some marketing package options to potential customers. | | Source: VICE |

Some of the online celebrities on the list say the company’s offer is too high, some have no idea who Dapp Centre is, and some even say they don’t do encryption pay promotion at all.

At present, Dapp Centre’s official Twitter account has been suspended, the exact reason is not known. The “Internet Celebrity” section has been closed on the company’s official website, and the above package offer has been shown here.

Internet celebrities have different attitudes towards marketing companies, some prefer to work directly with encryption projects, while others are willing to bind to middleman marketing agencies.

Crypto Bri is a US encrypted Internet celebrity on the list, but she forgets that she has ever worked with Dapp Centre. Her price is much lower than the price listed by the company, but she can understand the mind and operation of marketing agencies to make a difference. “the marketing company usually pays me the price of a tweet and then charges two to three times the price from the project client.”

If the NFT project wants to do a two-week marketing campaign, they will most likely choose an intermediary company, which will save them the trouble of finding and contacting online celebrities and making it easier to sign up.

Now the well-known NFT projects in the global market, such as boring Apes Yacht Club (Bored Ape Yacht Club,BAYC), encrypted punk (CryptoPunks), also have their own marketing and promotion company NFT Community. After understanding the ideas of the project, the company will develop an appropriate marketing strategy and budget, promote it on major social platforms, release KOL at least three times a day, and post giant billboards on busy urban streets.

Cooperation between Internet celebrities and marketing companies can be regarded as a means of small profits and quick turnover. Dapp Centre also examines the reliability of the project for online celebrities and provides content templates for original tweets. Canadian record artist Kyle Fortch, who became an encrypted Internet celebrity, admired Dapp Centre as “one of the more important partners than the project side”.


Internet celebrities are also afraid of supervision.

Fortch is a cautious encryption network celebrity who attaches great importance to his reputation in the circle. When he receives the project, he only charges in the form of a fixed price and does not accept the tokens of the project.

The token of the project is the common reward for the coin circle when looking for someone to promote or on the platform. if the price of the token is high, the endorser can reap extra high profits, just like Li Xiaolai, the “richest man on the platform” who was popular in the coin circle at that time.

The reason for Fortch to do this is to worry that the project side will pack up and run away after the project becomes popular. If fans come to ask questions, he can honestly say that he did not promote the hype: “I am not even the holder of tokens.” Fortch will also tune the marketing company before signing up to ensure that the company will not use him to disappear with the money after the hype.

In terms of copywriting, Fortch also insists on originality, and he really hates it when people “stuff” things into his mouth. So many encryption projects want Fortch to write tweets or videos in its own style, which doesn’t look too much like a commercial.

Fortch is now focused on taking over one or two projects a month to diversify its products, not only by posting a tweet, but also through podcasts and helping with behind-the-scenes marketing. He hopes to one day integrate his interests and make an “encrypted music video”. “I’m trying to expand my value, not just a tweet.”

“this is a dreamy scene of making rich.” “not everyone has such an opportunity, so we can’t take it lightly,” said Ashley, who works full-time on encrypted Internet celebrities.

Ashley will actively disclose its paid promotional programs. | | Source: Twitter |

Ashley has found an online community of online celebrities, where people exchange views, hoping to make the community a more professional and trustworthy space. She doesn’t like the term “online celebrity talent”, although she occasionally says so herself. She thinks the word is easily associated with “liar”. She is now more cautious in choosing partners and is trying to find long-term partners and build trust.

William also doesn’t like to wind up Twitter for a project to get paid. He is looking for a job that can last from six months to a year.

Jones, the encryption project side, supports such industry ecological changes. He believes that Internet celebrity KOL is crucial to the development of the encryption industry and the market, and it is “strange” and “disrespectful” to rely on a single tweet to price them.

Encryption network celebrities get a lot of money by paying for promotion, manage their own people carefully, and test the edge of the law. They have entered the regulatory line of sight of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

The focus of the dispute is how to identify a Twitter related to project promotion content as a paid promotion and what criteria it applies.

Combing through the Twitter accounts on the leaked list, some of them indicated in their profiles that they were promoting encryption programs, listing contact information about business partnerships; some said they were employed by an encryption program; and some claimed to be “encryption promoters” or “encryption network celebrities” but stressed that their tweets were “not financial advice.”

According to FTC rules, online paid promotion must be clearly disclosed in promotional tweets, not just on the blogger’s profile page. If you are doing paid promotion on YouTube or TikTok, bloggers must disclose the whole process of the promotional video, not just add notes at the beginning or end of the film. Information disclosure must be displayed “clearly and prominently” next to paid promotional content.

As a general rule, if there is an unexpected connection between spokesmen and marketing agencies, which will affect consumers’ evaluation of advertising, then this connection should be made public. A spokesman for FTC technical affairs said that encryption projects are subject to general rules and are no exception.

Internet celebrities who do not publicly declare their financial relationship with project companies or marketing agencies when selling encryption products may violate the Federal Trade Commission Act and may theoretically face fines or even injunctions. the ban may prohibit them from promoting the product in the future.

David Klein, a lawyer who studies Internet marketing and advertising laws, points out that this is especially true if encryption companies are based in the United States. FTC’s regulations apply to companies of any size and industry, even to social media platforms. Internet celebrities, marketing companies and encryption projects are all regulatory targets of FTC. “everyone in the chain is responsible.”

The parties shall sign a written agreement to jointly comply with FTC regulations and disclosure guidelines. After the agreement is signed, the company has the obligation to continuously monitor the project promotion activities. “it’s no use burying your head in the sand and pretending to be invisible. The criterion is whether you know or should know.” Klein said.

Fortch opposes such regulation. He believes that the job of encrypting KOL is to tell followers that the promotion is based on personal opinions, not financial advice, and that followers should do their own research. “this is more important than telling them that I send soft messages to make money.” Fortch sometimes adds the hashtag “ad” to his tweets, but he doesn’t think it’s necessary.

“I hate it when people think I can influence the market, and no one should have that power.” Ashley said, “but some people say I do.”

According to Cointelegraph, MarketsandMarkets, a US market research company, predicts that in the next five years, one of the key factors in the global NFT market will still be mainstream online celebrities. It is estimated that the probability is that these “on-the-list” KOL.






* Source of header image: thenewstack

Author | Xue Xiaocu & nbsp; Editor & nbsp; | & nbsp; Jingyu

Source: geek Park

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