全国早报-2022年8月6日 星期六 河南将全面推行交房即交证

虫网早报2年前 (2022)发布 zaobao
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5、石家庄一男子持刀伤人致2死 已被警方抓获






11、不满被辞退 江西南昌男子利用原公司退款漏洞购买1900部手机 低价转卖后非法获利700余万元

12、美团单车涨价:7天卡无折扣价调整为15元;30天卡无折扣价调整为35元;90天卡无折扣价调整为90元。 与之前的套餐相比分别增加5元、10元、15元




National Morning Post: Saturday, August 6, 2022

1. A number of domestic airlines began to adjust the standard of fuel surcharge for passenger transport on domestic routes from August 5.

2. Guangxi Baise: the cashier misappropriated 20 million public funds a year to buy lottery tickets, and voluntarily turned himself in to return some of the public funds after the incident.

3. Henan: from August 8 onwards, 150000-250000 advances will be made to the individual amount of customers in four village banks.

4. The mother forced her daughter to marry her blind date: the court revoked her marriage.

5. A man with a knife in Shijiazhuang has been arrested by the police.

6. Henan will comprehensively carry out the delivery of houses and certificates.

7. The average housing vacancy rate in 28 large and medium-sized cities is 12%: 7% in first-tier cities, 12% in second-tier cities, and 16% in third-tier cities. The vacancy rates in Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai are the lowest, below 7%, while those in Nanchang, Langfang, Foshan, Chongqing and Wuhan are more than 15%.

8. since the 100-day operation to crack down on public security in the summer, 153 missing and abducted women and children have been recovered.

9. The World Frisbee Federation issued a statement confirming that Frisbee missed the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games.

10. The report says mobile phone shipments in China may fall to the lowest level in 10 years.

11. Dissatisfied with the dismissal of the man in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, he made an illegal profit of more than 7 million yuan after taking advantage of the refund loophole of the original company to buy 1900 mobile phones at a low price.

12. Meituan bike price: the undiscounted price of 7-day card is adjusted to 15 yuan, that of 30-day card is adjusted to 35 yuan, and that of 90-day card is adjusted to 90 yuan. Compared with the previous package, it increased by 5 yuan, 10 yuan and 15 yuan respectively.

13. Shanxi women’s ears are itching hard to open pillows full of worms

14. Putin signed an order banning investors from “unfriendly countries” from exchanging shares in Russian strategic enterprises. Putin announced a ban on foreign companies from selling stakes in Russian banks and oil and gas projects.

Health: watching food and sowing may cause inflammation in the brain, and watching without eating makes obese people lose control of their weight. When people lose weight, they usually turn on their mobile phones late at night and watch the blogger enjoy the delicious food, his face is filled with a happy smile, and his “tears” flow down from the corners of his mouth. Although I was so hungry that my stomach growled, the feeling of “hoping for plums to quench my thirst” was like eating all the food into my stomach! To a large extent, this “compensatory psychology” satisfies everyone’s desire for food. However, eating and sowing can be harmful to the body, and new research has found that watching and not eating can also cause inflammation in the brain, and the brain’s response to the smell of food can make obese people more out of control.

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