今日早报 每日精选15条新闻简报 每天一分钟 知晓天下事 7月10日

虫网早报2年前 (2022)更新 zaobao
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2022年7月10日 星期日 农历六月十二















15、斯里兰卡大批抗议者硬闯总统府,警 察开车喷催泪瓦斯驱赶人群。


Sunday, July 10, 2022, June 12 of the lunar calendar

1. Six departments: the sale of tobacco, alcohol and other commodities under the brand name of “army” is prohibited.

2. National Bureau of Statistics: consumer prices rose 2.5% in June compared with the same period last year.

3. The supplementary enrollment of the national examination begins today: there are plans to enroll 5182 people, of which more than 3800 plan to recruit fresh graduates.

4. Beijing Health Bao adds a new logo of “unsuitable for vaccination”.

5. Haikou announced the temporary control of the city for 7 days, and the indoor enclosed places in the city were closed.

6. Jiangsu: the fixed amount of pension is increased by 27 yuan per person per month.

7. Sichuan: seven cities such as Chengdu and Panzhihua have been identified as pilot areas for mobile payment of medical insurance.

8. Hunan Anxiang No. 1 Hospital charges 10 yuan for a chair, and the property response is the lowest price around f.

9. The Ministry of Transport interviewed four freight platforms, such as Lala goods: immediately rectify the price-lowering competition and standardize the charges.

10. Civil Aviation Administration: civil aviation lost more than 100 billion yuan in the first half of the year, and the asset-liability ratio of airlines reached 82.2%. 12 airlines are insolvent.

11. The list is announced! Su Bingtian and Gong Lijiao took the lead in the World Athletics Championships.

12. Musk officially announced the termination of his acquisition of Twitter due to false accounts and other issues. Twitter: see you in court.

13. Foreign media: a major telecommunications network failure occurred in Canada, millions of users were cut off, and Huawei was actively boycotted.

14. The United States will provide another 400 million US dollars in military aid to Ukraine, and Putin warned that continued sanctions against Russia would have “catastrophic” consequences.

15. A large number of protesters stormed the presidential palace in Sri Lanka, and police inspected cars and sprayed tear gas to drive away the crowd.

[whisper] stick to figure management + continuous knowledge supply + self-discipline = better yourself.

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