年手续费可达40亿美元 苹果支付被指控垄断

科技3年前 (2022)更新 凤凰网科技

北京时间7月19日消息,苹果公司因其支付服务Apple Pay遭遇了一桩反垄断诉讼。原告称,苹果利用它在移动设备行业的市场力量来抵御竞争对手支付应用的竞争,并向发卡机构收费以提高利润。

年手续费可达40亿美元 苹果支付被指控垄断

美国爱荷华州支付卡信用社Affinity Credit Union提起了这桩诉讼,并寻求将案件定性为集体诉讼。该信用社指控苹果将其移动设备和移动钱包捆绑在一起,排除所有竞争对手,违反了旨在保护竞争的《谢尔曼法案》。

苹果在信用卡交易上对发卡机构收取0.15%的费用,在借记卡交易上收取0.05%的费用。相比之下,Android平台上的Google支付和三星支付不向发卡机构收取任何费用。Affinity在诉讼中称,Apple Pay的手续费“据称在2019年为苹果带来了10亿美元的收入,到2023年时预计将达到这一数字的四倍(40亿美元)”。


Affinity Credit Union, the Iowa payment card credit union, filed the lawsuit and sought to characterize the case as a class action. The credit union accused Apple of bundling its mobile devices and mobile wallets, excluding all competitors, in violation of the Sherman Act, which aims to protect competition.

Apple charges issuers 0.15% for credit card transactions and 0.05% for debit card transactions. By contrast, Google pay and Samsung pay on the Android platform charge no fees to card issuers. Affinity claims in the lawsuit that Apple Pay’s fees “reportedly generated $1 billion in revenue for Apple in 2019 and are expected to quadruple that ($4 billion) by 2023.”

Apple has yet to comment.

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