
科技3年前 (2022)发布 科普中国








“即便你的伴侣爱打呼噜,时常翻来覆去,他/她的陪伴还是为你的睡眠带来了绝对益处。”论文作者、亚利桑那大学睡眠与健康研究项目主任Michael Grandner表示。

Recently, a new study from the University of Arizona shows thatAdults who sleep with their partners sleep better than adults who sleep alone.相关研究结果已经发表在近期的《睡眠》杂志上。

The researchers analyzed sleep, diet, environment, health and social activities of 1007 adults, and assessed sleep status in detail, including co-sleep, solitary sleep, insomnia and snoring.

It turns out thatAdults who slept with their partners at night reported less severe insomnia and fatigue than adults who never shared a bed with their partners.Also, adults who slept with their partners fell asleep faster, stayed asleep longer, and had a lower risk of apnea during sleep.

However, most adults who fall asleep with their children at night report relatively severe insomnia and a higher risk of sleep apnea.

The researchers also found that adults who slept with their partners in the survey had lower scores of depression, anxiety and stress, higher scores of social support and higher satisfaction with their lives and relationships than those who slept alone.而与孩子同睡的成年人,也对应着较大的压力。

All in all, sharing with your partner is associated with better sleep quality and overall mental health. On the other hand, sleeping with a child is usually associated with poor sleep.

“even if your partner snores and does it over and over againHis / her company still brings absolute benefits to your sleep.Michael Grandner, author of the paper and director of the Sleep and Health Research Program at the University of Arizona.

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