微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用

科技2年前 (2022)更新 微信派
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微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用





微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用





微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用





微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用


微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用
微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用


微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用




微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用


微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用






微信新功能上线 “群消息”还可以这么用


The “group chat message on top” function is very useful when sending notifications.

The group owner and the group manager press a message and select “set Top” in the pop-up menu to fix the message to the top. After clicking, group members will automatically locate the location of the message, making it easy to view the full context.

The top message can be used as a supplement to the group announcement. The next time you send a message, emphasize the group rules, reiterate the focus of work and make an appointment to meet, etc., don’t forget to use it.

A hundred ways to notify

In addition to the top of the group chat message, is there any way to inform all group members of something?

The easiest way, of course, is for the group owner or group administrator to edit the group announcement. After the new announcement is released, all group members will be automatically notified and placed at the top to show that if there is any emergency, just use the group announcement.

For those who join the group, do you have an “invitation”?


Do not want to encounter this situation, the group owner and administrator can click “”-“Group Management” in the upper right corner of the group interface and turn on the “Group chat invitation confirmation” switch. After that, group members need to be confirmed by the group owner or group administrator before they can invite others to join the group, and the QR code entry function will be disabled at the same time.

In the new Wechat, group owners can see the “invite applications” menu directly at the top of the group chat interface, which centrally confirms all group applications, making it more convenient to manage.

The basic self-cultivation of the group leader

To be a good group owner, you should be familiar with basic group management functions.

Or click on the upper right corner “-” Group Management “to enter the group management menu, the common functions are here.

For example, turning on “only the group owner / group administrator can change the group chat name” can prevent someone from deliberately changing the group name, or accidentally changing the group name when trying to change the group comment / group nickname.

Where can I find the group administrator? Add group members to the group administrator menu below and you can ask them to help manage them. Do not need to be a group master, in the “group management” can also find the “group master administrator transfer” menu, choose a group member as the group master, let them bear the troubles in the future.

Remember, the button to dissolve the group chat is also in Group Management. If you want to dissolve the group chat, do not select “Delete and quit” from the group menu, otherwise you will only quit the group, the group administrator will become the group leader, and leave a group of friends who look at each other.

If the group is lost, it can be found.

One side effect of changing your mobile phone or reinstalling Wechat is that the old group with no new news may not be able to find it for a while.


Alternatively, you can turn on the Save to address Book option in advance in the group menu of an important group chat. After that, you can find it at any time in the “address Book”-“Group chat”.

You don’t know the way until you have notes.

Things that make a big mistake by sending a message to the wrong group are often on the news.

The name of a group chat is sometimes confusing or can’t tell the nature of the group chat, so try to add a note to it at this time.

Click “”-“remarks” in the upper right corner of the group chat interface to set your own group name remarks. After setting up, what you will see on the home page of Wechat is not the original group chat name, but the note name you set.

But you must be careful to find the function entrance and don’t change the name of the whole group chat directly.


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