知网开放个人查重服务 网友吐槽:查完了、毕业了才开放

科技2年前 (2022)更新 机器之心
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不过,对于 2022



大部分学校都要求查重率低于 15% 以下,甚至有的学校要求低于 10%、5%。


正是由于查重名额非常紧张,使得知网查重一次的费用比较高,据了解,知网本科 PMLC 大学生毕业论文抄袭检测系统,查重费用一般是 298 元左右,知网硕博学术不端文献检测 VIP 定稿检测系统,查重一次的费用一般在 498 元。

知网开放个人查重服务 网友吐槽:查完了、毕业了才开放



6 月 12 日凌晨,中国知网在其微信公众号发布了“向个人提供查重服务”的公告,表示即日起,中国知网向个人用户直接提供查重服务。

知网开放个人查重服务 网友吐槽:查完了、毕业了才开放



知网开放个人查重服务 网友吐槽:查完了、毕业了才开放


首先,个人用户查重收费问题。此次个人版查重服务的定价按照市场通行的按字符数收费的方式,定价为 1.5 元 / 千字,不高于市场主流同类产品价格。

知网开放个人查重服务 网友吐槽:查完了、毕业了才开放

其次,对于研究生学位论文,知网将继续通过研究生培养管理机构(研究生院)向研究生提供学位论文免费查重服务,免费次数由原来的人均 1.5 次增加到人均 3 次。同时,拟为学校指定的内部机构提供包年不限次的服务方式,作为校内正规渠道向研究生个人提供学位论文查重服务。



个人用户上传论文查重由本人自主操作,个人信息与论文内容仅本人可见;个人送检的论文仅保存在查重专用的服务器上,30 天后自动删除且不可恢复。





知网开放个人查重服务 网友吐槽:查完了、毕业了才开放


For the vast majority of students, graduation is really a stream of bitter tears, their painstaking preparation of the paper, the completion of all the content has been greatly damaged, but the headache is still behind: the duplicate check of the thesis, because the repetition rate has a direct impact on your successful graduation.

大部分学校都要求查重率低于 15% 以下,甚至有的学校要求低于 10%、5%。

You know, weight check is very expensive. For a master’s thesis, the cost of weight check ranges from more than 100 yuan to more than 1,000 yuan. Many universities in China choose the China knowledge Network system to check the weight of graduation thesis, but the account number of the system is not open to individuals, and only schools, research institutes and other institutions can apply to open accounts.

It is precisely because the quota of duplicates is very tight that the cost of checking duplicates once is relatively high. It is understood that the cost of plagiarism detection system for undergraduate PMLC undergraduate graduation papers is generally about 298 yuan, and the cost for checking academic misconduct documents of Zhiwang master VIP final draft testing system is generally 498 yuan.



6 月 12 日凌晨,中国知网在其微信公众号发布了“向个人提供查重服务”的公告,表示即日起,中国知网向个人用户直接提供查重服务。

Personal weight check is 1.5 yuan per thousand words, and graduate degree thesis is free for 3 times.

According to a number of related announcements issued by Zhi.com, the duplicates of papers are never sold to any individual and are only provided to institutions. Zhi.com said that in the past, this practice ignored the actual needs of the vast number of individual users, such as academic self-inspection and novelty search, and objectively caused the problem of black market and high prices.


首先,个人用户查重收费问题。此次个人版查重服务的定价按照市场通行的按字符数收费的方式,定价为 1.5 元 / 千字,不高于市场主流同类产品价格。

Secondly, for postgraduate dissertations, Zhi.com will continue to provide free duplicate checking services for postgraduates through graduate training management institutions (graduate schools), and the number of free dissertations will be increased from 1.5 to 3 per capita. At the same time, it is proposed to provide unlimited annual service for the internal institutions designated by the school, and to provide degree thesis checking service to individual graduate students as a regular channel in the school.

Is there any difference between the duplicate checking function of the personal version and the institutional version? Zhi.com also answered, “the repetition rate detection functions and results of the personal version and the institutional version are the same. In addition, the institutional version also provides service functions such as batch testing and process management.”

At the same time, the security of personal uploading papers is one of the important issues that users pay close attention to. Therefore, the knowledge net has also taken some measures in this regard, strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and user agreements, and ensure the security of user information and paper content from two aspects of technology and management mechanism.

个人用户上传论文查重由本人自主操作,个人信息与论文内容仅本人可见;个人送检的论文仅保存在查重专用的服务器上,30 天后自动删除且不可恢复。


The most common complaint is, “We have all graduated, and you will not be open until we have finished checking. Where is your sincerity?” Others said, “in addition to checking, the monopoly behavior of the knowledge net and the intellectual property rights of the authors are the big problems.”


In the face of the investigation by the General Administration of Market Supervision, Zhi.com expressed “firm support and full cooperation, and take this as an opportunity to conduct a profound self-examination, conduct a comprehensive self-examination, thoroughly rectify and reform, operate in accordance with the law, and innovate the development model, so as to provide better services for the majority of authors and readers.”


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