意客机失联惹恐袭惊魂 竟是因两飞行员同时睡着了

科技2年前 (2022)发布 北京日报客户端
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据美国广播公司(ABC)6月1日报道,这起飞行事故的调查人员透露,今年4月30日,一架从美国纽约的肯尼迪国际机场起飞、前往意大利罗马的意大利ITA航空公司(ITA Airways)A330空客飞机,飞到法国上空3.8万英尺高时,机上两名飞行员居然同时在驾驶舱内睡着了。








According to ABC on June 1, investigators of the flight accident revealed that when an Italian ITA Airlines (ITA Airways) A330 took off from Kennedy International Airport in New York to Rome, Italy, and flew 38000 feet above France, the two pilots on board fell asleep in the cockpit at the same time.

ABC: when the plane from New York to Rome was 38000 feet above the ground, both pilots on board were said to have fallen asleep

The report quoted investigators as saying that when one of the pilots slept during the designated rest time, the captain of the plane also fell asleep. Air traffic controllers told investigators that they had lost contact with the plane for about 10 minutes. For fear of a terrorist attack on the airliner, they were even prepared to send fighter jets to intercept the plane. fortunately, the pilot finally responded. The airliner finally landed safely at Rome airport.

In this regard, ABC special aviation analyst John Nance said that the situation is “extremely dangerous”, especially when pilots are unable to monitor the weather and aircraft fuel conditions. “the plane can still fly on autopilot, but it’s neither wise nor safe,” John Nance said.

Reported that in response to the accident, ITA Airlines said the captain claimed that the walkie-talkie had stopped working at that time. But according to a statement, investigators found “a great contradiction between the captain’s statement and the results of the internal investigation”. ITA Airlines said in a statement that the captain’s actions were “not in line with the company’s regulations.” At present, the company has fired the captain.

Video screenshot of ABC report & nbsp; & nbsp

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